No-one ever becomes great and stays great by themselves!

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About the Book

Just HOW do you build a SUPPORT network when you have nobody you TRUST to support you?

Almost every leader at some point in their business/career, will face social and/or emotional isolation. They will lose their trusted confidants through normal life events such as death of a loved one, divorce, illness, marriage, birth of a child, job change and relocation.

When we lose or even 'get rid' of people on purpose from our lives and dont replace that relationship role, we reduce the level of independant support and perspective from our own lives and become lone wolves trying to survive everything, which is exhausting and can make the business or situation even worse.

Jen Harwood, motivational speaker author and business coach, has been working in the field of business  and success for over 15 years. This book’s concept is simple, yet incredibly powerful and when applied to your business, your workplace or family, magic happens. Jen is extremely excited to be releasing this information as her clients have been asking for it for the last few years.

This book has been written for leaders in the three main areas of influence in our community – corporate, small business and family. Wherever you lead in your work, business or life, this book is a MUST to ensure your support system is in place to create GREAT results for all.

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Chapter 1: Why is Greatness important today?

Chapter 2: What do great leaders need?

Chapter 3: Isolation doesn’t work

Chapter 4: The Greatness Principle®

Chapter 5: The Greatness Investor roles

Chapter 6: The First Investor™

Chapter 7: Greatness Principle® rules

Chapter 8: The Great Breakdown

Chapter 9: Wheel Dynamics

Chapter 10: How to bring a Great8™ Investor into your wheel

Chapter 11: Case Studies

Chapter 12: Wheel Templates

Client Testimonials

I’ve found Jen to be one of the most prolific and practical thought leaders I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She is in that rare category of business advisers who can explain and express business concepts while possessing the gift of developing practical and implementable programs to make them happen, to achieve results and desired outcomes.

Jen continues to inspire others through her messages, her programs and her personality. She is a motivating communicator, value creator and most importantly, a true business champion.

Iggy Pintado MAICD
Marketing Director. Connector. Business Catalyst.

Jen Harwood takes small businesses to the next level. She has worked with over 1100 small businesses across Australia and combines her knowledge, exposure and positive energy to deliver results. Strap into your seats, because this is going to be one hell of a ride!

Tim Gentle
Managing Director at Design Experts

Jen is an amazing person with expert knowledge of what's needed to drive both businesses and personal careers for success. She has the tools necessary to help both teams and individuals to develop clear goals and plans to meet those goals, and the personality to inspire action.  Working with Jen is an absolute pleasure that delivers positive experiences and growth.

Liz Grant
Program Coordinator at Small Business Smart Business

    EMAIL: | PHONE: 1300 791 291 | POST: PO Box 161, Cremorne Junction, NSW, 2090, Australia

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