No-one ever becomes great and stays great by themselves!

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3 Steps to Greatness
GREATNESS IS A DAILY CHOICE Many people I do business coaching with get completely and utterly overwhelmed with their vision, their goals, their targets and what's on the to-do list. They get all twisted into knots about what has to be done that they just don’t do anything! If that’s happening to you, it's gotta stop TODAY, right NOW !!! So, how do you stop that stuff dead in its tracks - simple. Break it down into 3 steps. Whatever it is, there are 3 key things that you have got to fo... Read more...
What does it take to BE GREAT
Get Unstuck, Move Forward and be Great !
Creating and building a great business is simple...its just not easy. Generating new ideas is fun... and implementing them a lot of hard work. Building a team is essential... yet who do you choose and who do you trust? The secret to creating Greatness is building a team and the second secret is knowing how to choose your team. Especially when people have let you down in the past. Start to really LISTEN to the people around you. Do they lift you up? Are their words loving and considerate or deflate you Read more...
stress - man
Social Isolation Links and References
Most people dont talk about social or emotional isolation and yet, its impacting everyone at some level. Here are some further reading and resources for those of you interested. Read more...
Get Over Yourself !
If you are getting averge results in your work, business or projects, chances are... you are working on your own and you are feeling any or all of the following: tired, unmotivated, exhausted, in pain, alone, depressed, hopeless and have a sense of why bother do anything... If thats the case for you, I can assure you that... You are doing everything on your own (even if there are people around you) and you're not letting anyone in to your personal world of being a human being ! Social Isolation and e Read more...
The Greatness Cards are HERE !
The Greatness Cards are a special way people can learn and APPLY The Greatness Principle to their lives and businesses. As a leader, we often feel isolated due to the enormity of responsibility, challenge or what's required to step up and lead. These cards can support you to reflect on current situations and circumstances and then present possible points of view not considered before critical decision making and moving forward. You can buy these cards from the webstore on this site. Read more...

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