No-one ever becomes great and stays great by themselves!
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Greatness = A Trusted Support Team

Anyone can be great and create great results. Take a look at anyone doing great things in life, family, business or community.  

There are three reasons why they are achieving greatness.

1. They have a vision.

2. They focus and persevere no matter what and

3. They have a trusted support team around them. 

If you have the vision and the focus and you don’t have a committed trustworthy TEAM around you, you will fail. Humans are designed to work together, even when they don’t want to. Sometimes, your biggest catalyst or most 'negative' critic is exactly what your greatness needs. Our current disposable society are very happy to discard friendships, comments and perceived negativity because it doesn’t feel good. Do you do that? Does someone you know do that? When we exclude all points of view and just favour a select few... we miss out on seeing the big picture and possible options and even persevering until bad times turn around. Greatness isnt all about happiness and sunshine. Its also about holding your nerve, standing your ground, doing the work and being your best, when its hard, impossible and dark.

When we don’t see the bigger perspective and have a trusted team cheering us in a variety of useful ways, we limit everything and when we do that, it’s easy to make many small decisions that lead to a poor result. You cannot rely on yourself and the conversations you have with yourself to be 100% independent, unbiased and ever expanding ALL the time. You are HUMAN... we are built to have a multitude of emotions, thoughts, feelings and experiences that will impact, influence, disrupt and distract our greatness... guaranteed. We need a trusted support structure designed to navigate us to greatness. The Greatness Principle is a simple tool that enables you to select and nurture the relationships around you to ensure whatever vision you want for yourself and your life. For leaders, employees, parents and even children wanting to become great in their business, lives, family and community.

Who's in your team? Are they supporting you and are you letting them contribute to your greatness, or are you being a lone wolf? Buy the book - hard copy, ebook and soon to be audio. You are here for a reason, dont waste another minute and lets get to work on creating your great vision/dream into reality. Buy the Book Here!

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